Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


just a test

for some reason the network i'm on is being stupid so this is just a test to see if i can fix it or if i need to contact google tonight


Change and Constancy

It's amazing to me how much in life changes, and how much stays the same.

-Blogging - I used to be all about it. Trying (and failing) to write amazing posts for like the 5 people that read them. Now it doesn't do much of anything for me.
-Music - I used to listen to it non-stop. I was always looking for new bands and whatnot. Now I rarely to never look for new music, and never find the time to really put music on and listen.
-Sleeping in - last Fall semester I could sleep (granted it was aided) straight up past noon without even thinking about it (obviously life was not a good thing for me).
-Television - I would always watch TV. I had my shows and I made sure that I was on top of them.
-Arguing - I remember the days when I would argue and switch sides mid-argument, just to keep it going. It was fun for me. I rarely find myself arguing anymore.
-Soda - Whilst in Texas (and thereafter) I lived on soda. two huge 64oz drinks a day. Now I might get one occasionally.
-Life Plans - Where on earth did medical school come from? And why on earth am I actually excited to go to it?

-Not sleeping - The only time I can fall asleep (honestly) is when I'm around my woman. Hence why I'm writing this when I have work in a few hours.
-Webcomics - I don't know if I'll ever give them up. I love them so stinking much.
-Nerdiness - I am continually getting more and more nerdy. I never thought they day would come when I would actually want to buy a comic book. But come it has...
-Cooking - I still love to cook. It makes me so happy to put stuff together and make it work.
-Talking to self/Stream-of-conscious - I still say what I'm thinking and private talking myself through life.
-Trivia - Random facts are the bomb-freaking-diggity.

I'm sure I could go on, but I don't really want to. I mean honestly, three followers? two of them the same person? Who I spend pretty much every waking hour with (now that we have no classes it's everything excluding work time)? I'm going to copy this and post it on my other blog as well. Trying to build it up. Maybe I just need to get back into the habit.

Song of the day: 'Over My Head (Cable Car)' as covered by 'A Day to Remember'


so i'm working on some new blogs at new places that i'll actually update. but i just wanted to update real fast. I'm getting married in less than 2 months...and yo gabba gabba is absolutely amazing. I want both dvds that they have out. and now that i'm going to have a niece and nephew i think it's ok to make some purchases...for them of course...anyway. i'm off to europe friday, first time leaving the continent. i feel so cool


the most random, long, boring post i may have ever written

I never know what to write here. There's all of like 5 people who read this. And a lot of those who do I already talk to everyday and they know what's going on in my life (one of them pretty much is my life). I also never know what to write about. But I'm going to write something. And it's probably going to be pretty not interesting to most people. So I would suggest not reading anymore................I love my woman. I don't know exactly when I decided that, or all the reasons why, but I really do love her. I love how she's so free willed. I love how she loves me back. I love how I can be around her and be close to her but I don't have to be all physical. I love how she takes me for who I am (all my past and all) without pushing too much on me. I love how she bounces up and down when she gets excited. I love how she didn't actually say 'yes' at first. I love how she can make sweatpants and old efy t-shirts attractive. I love how she lets me cook. I love how she likes her food dry and nevada. I love her music, I love her smile. I love how she teases me about my nerdiness. I love the way she can't get close enough. I love how smart she is. I love how distracted I make her. I love how focused she makes me. I love how she can't wait to get married. I love how she sparkles. I love how she's always cold. I love how she can turn anything into art. I love how she wants to capture all our moments so we can remember them forever. I love how she wants "pretty" things. I love how she wants to be good. I love how she'll tell me how it is. I love how she does what she wants. I love her tired mumbles. I love how she still calls me boyfriend. I love how she's invisible on campus. I love how she puts up with all my flaws. I love how I don't have to tell her that she is good and attractive and smart and spiritual. I love that I can tell her all those things anyway. I love her two eyed winks and her "closer" hugs. I love how she writes me stories. I love how she wants to be a mom. I love how her family is so great. I love how she laughs at my jokes even though they aren't funny. I love how she wants to do what's right and keeps me on track. I love so many other things, but I'm actually starting to feel tired now. And wake up time comes in 5 hours. So I'm going to skip off to be. but I. LOVE. Lissa. forever. and maybe someday I'll get to add more to this list, but I hope I'll never be able to finish it.


Sometimes I just get so dang tired and I don't know what to do. The next 3 weeks are going to be intense and crazy. They always pile everything on at the last moment, and I don't understand. The fact that I'm getting married in 78 days doesn't help at all either. I'm so excited for that. more excited than I am for the blog, which is going to go in a different direction (again). The only problem (once again) is that I don't know what that direction is exactly. We'll see though. I'm hoping that it will form into something that's freaking AMAZING. but we'll just have to see. Sometimes it's sad to look at how many people follow me on twitter, or actually do things on facebook or read my blog and realize how pathetically small that number is. But then I realize that there really isn't a reason to. So I don't feel bad. I'll switch it up somehow and start getting out there so that people will want to follow me. But we'll see. Lots of followers can be bad (look what happened to "why lds girls stay single") but I guess only time will tell.

I realized something today during my Jazz History class. My professor was telling us about some musician that we needed to remember (from the Weather Report) and he told us some stories and such and I'll remember all that, but I won't remember the person's name. I don't know if there's a name for that, but it's a problem I've always had. I can remember so many random details, things that people told me 5 years ago. I can remember eating at a restaurant in Nauvoo almost 10 years ago. I can remember tons of little things and snippets of stuff from throughout my whole life. Things that other people don't even remember.
NOTE: RANDOM, LONG BORING PARAGRAPH ABOUT THINGS I REMEMBER FROM EARLY YEARS OF CHILDHOOD. you may want to skip it. I just talk about a few of the many, many things I remember from when I was super young. you could probably just skip it...

I can vividly remember a toy food fight I had in preschool. We were in the basement right by the stairs, the kind that go straight down and end in a wall and you have to turn to the right to get out. Anyway, there were about 5 of us there standing by the play kitchen with the red roof (the ones that kids have) and we were chucking the plastic food at each other. And I remember one of the little girls trying to get up on the stairs and out of the way. She had on a red jumper and long, straight, super blonde hair. she was pushing the little shopping cart and ducking down. And I thought about pegging her with the fake corn-on-the-cob that I had in my hand, but then I remember thinking "she's cute, I won't hit her" and turning away, not throwing the corn at her. I also remember sitting by her the day we were in school and I tried coconut for the first time. we were in a circle in the main play room (the room with the tables was through the doorway). I remember how small the pieces were cut up. I remember hating how the milk tasted, and how dry the meat made my teeth feel, and telling Nick how much I hated it afterwards. I also remember when Nick swallowed his popcorn quarter. He was still wearing his coat (he did that a lot) and was sitting to my right (I was facing the part of the room that had the color stuff). And I thought that he was going to die or at least get really sick. He didn't look too good at all. So he got to leave early. I remember the first day in that kindergarten and how big and long the space between the van and the door seemed. I remember how my backpack felt on my back. I remember when we got a new van and my parents pulled up and we were so excited. I remember all the days with Chandler out in the sandbox. I remember when my eyes swelled shut because of hay fever. and my cousin Jared was visiting and I was embarassed because Jared and Matt always seemed cooler than me and here I was sitting on the couch in front of the TV and they come down the stairs and I've got goobers in my eye like nobody's business. And I remember my mom telling me not to scratch my eyes as we laid on her water bed late at night (it probably wasn't really that late, but it seemed like it) with a wet rag over them. I remember when my mom got super sick (bronchitus, or something like that) and when I picked out my button at the hospital when ben was born that said I was a big brother (it was on the bottom left side of the open faced stacking bins). I remember SO many random things for my childhood. I remember the first time I saw my mom wearing her glasses. I came up the stairs looking for her, and i turned left to go down the little hall to her room and there was this lady sitting on the floor with her back against the wall, just after the bathroom and right before the master bedroom entrance. She was reading a book and she looked up at me as I came around the corner and for a second I didn't know who she was. Then I did. And I remember how strange it felt to see her in glasses. I could go on and on and on for a super long time about all the things I remember (some of them I wish I could forget...).

If I can remember so many things so vividly (and I know I'm not imagining that I'm remembering them because I remember thinking about them at other times in my life), why can't I for the life of me remember any of the things on my tests I'll have the next few weeks? I can remember irrelevant things so easily. But ask me to remember some names of people. Or dates and such and I can't hold onto. I can even think of all the stories about the people that I'm supposed to remember, but forget about their names. I guess that just shows that I'm the kind of people who remembers people and the little things about their lives and not so much the facts. But I guess that's just how things are sometimes. I also remembered why I don't really ever write in this blog...it's not very good. Oh well. I'm posting this anyway.


i got engaged


it's spring day!

So as I was getting on the computer my Internet Explorer (which I only use for Netflix instantplay and my blog) opened up to google and welcomed me in with a logo designed by Eric Carle (he writes children's books). So I moved my mouse over it to learn that today is the first day of spring. I think Marcch 20th may become one of my new favorite days... I also deleted my facebook yesterday. Nothing new there. I'll keep it down for a bit and then open it up. It's mostly just a self control thing. I am not controlled. Of course normally I'm really bad at it...but I got it this time. So much self control. Speaking of self-control, I'm going to have to exercise it something serious the next several months,cause getting married is ridic-expensive. And I'm definitely not rich. But it'll all work out. the guv'ment helped out all the people I taught on my mission, and I'd say it's time for me to get my slice. Especially if I can't find anyone to buy my summer contract. Because turns out the people in the office don't know what they're talking about. They said I could just get out of my contract, but it turns out that I can't. So I wasn't worrying about it until BAM I find out that I'm stuck. So I'm a little peeved about that. So if you know anyone looking for a place to live from June to August...I've got a sweet place for them for really low price (utilities included) and and absolutely AMAZING ward. Heck I'll even cover part of the cost.


100 days

So it's been about a million years since i updated. but honestly i just don't know what i want this blog to do. i'll start writing a post, not finish it right away and then never get back to it. i don't know what to talk about or anything. i want a blog with a purpose. oh well. i got to go home this last weekend. that was a blast let me tell you. i love being around my family. and on top of that my favorite person in the whole world went with me. she was nervous to meet my parents, but they were nervous too. it worked out though. quite well. and now the 'little' bro can't say that i'm lying about my plans. 100 days. that's how long until my life will change in one of the biggest ways possible. and i'm so excited. i'd say i can't wait, but i can, because not waiting would be BAD. i'm so excited for so much. i think i'm going to make the goal to update this in some way for the next 100 days. that may be hard given trips and stuff. but we'll see. oh. and i called her dad. that was an enlightening conversation. it was like the hardest job interview ever. but apparently i passed. HIGH FIVE! i just wanted to get something up here

oh yeah. i got a speeding ticket also. what the heck.


garbage hash

So this is the first time I haven't seen my woman in more than 24 hours (well I guess that was yesterday). It's crazy. I waste so much time now that she's not around. So I'm more than excited for her to get back tomorrow. I had a blast yesterday though. I spent some quality time with my mission boys. We decided to have a movie night, I need to do it again. Soon. We had a lot of good, mission style fun (only we didn't have a bunch of rules so we did whatever). I just typed up a huge story about what happened, then realized that people probably don't really care. It was fun though. Hilarious movies, good food (and better entertainment (all pg i assure you)), followed by more movies. It was awesome. Then I got to drive home at 3 in the morning (getting home by 4), which really gave me a chance to think about a few big things in my life, which was really good. Then I had some sleep, and went off to sub for another teacher. that went really well. then I took my test. I did pretty well given the amount of study/sleep that was gotten.

Hanging out with mission people got me thinking: It's funny how different groups of people break up into different catagories, without there even being an intent to do so. And how there's feelings and emotions there.
1) Mission Buddies. I know I'll have a good time and lose some of the pressure and responsability with them.. Just sitting and talking, or doing something, normally pretty crazy. Happiness, Insanity, Laughter.
2) Colorado friends. There isn't much contact there, but when it is, it's funny and I enjoy it. There's something that just gets lost after so many years of separation, a ghost of what used to but never will be the same. Bittersweet Nostalgia.
3) Pre-Mission peoples. Depends on the person. Communication and some Relaxtion are found with them. A lot of times it can be a little boring, because not a whole lot happens there. But there's a maturity and growth there that revitalizes my drive to succeed. Clearheadedness, Focus, Chuckles, Optimism.
4) Then there's the immediate family. That's a place where I can be 100% me. There's no pretending, no walls, nothing. And I wouldn't have it any other way. There's something about know that you're stuck together that makes everything extra better. Peace, Joy, Eternity and Love.
5) Finally there's Lissa. That's what most of my life is now. And with her, just being there is enough. We do stuff, but it isn't what we do at all, it's more of who I'm with. We can paint an over-sized/priced mug at Color Me Mine, or paint rocks in her living room. We can put together a puzzle or just study. We can watch a movie or just be on the couch not doing anything but listening to music and thinking. This is where I find Perfection, Joy, A Future, Infinite, Happiness.

So I know there are groups left off. But if I ever need to get something filled, I always have somewhere to go. I'm coming to learn more and more the need for the balance and when to go where to get what from who. Thanks folks, for being key to my life. Let me know if you ever want to hang out. I'm here.

random link of the day: Everytime I type the word "who" I think of an old TV show called Adventures in Wonderland. There's one episode where the rabbit on rollerblades sings about using 'who' and 'whom' the only problem is that I can't remember how it went. Does anyone else remember that show? what other old shows do you still think about? I've got a huge list


comedy or tragedy?

1) the guy at wendy's called me guero.
2) the elevators are very very fast in the JFSB (I'm allowed to use them today because i took the super big hill this morning)
3) the water in the drinking fountains is nice and cold
4) monday schedule on a tuesday
5) i get to study with lissa
6) lissa tries to be sad but always just ends up laughing. a lot
7) my shoes are so very comfortable
8) i'm getting more and more photogenic
9) I'm also getting more and more not sick
10) Lissa found my flashcard

1) the vitamin water i bought was pretty nastalicous
2) turns out i wasn't actually hungry for the wendy's i bought (i knew i should have gotten chili)
3) my girlfriend thinks i'm emo. she just doesn't understand me
4) waking up for work was wicked hard carrots
5) i'm not tall enough to fit my feet
6) I still have a cough that makes me cry (but only little tears. of pain)
7) Lissa found my flashcard when I was there

In other news, my missionaries are now gone. The last one left this morning at about 11:45. I also got to substitute today. The elders were a little tricky and hard to work with, but I hope to get a lot of practice so that I can really help my next group to be absolutely AMAZING. I really think that my life is a comedy, cause things are working out. hopefully I don't just randomly die. I should probably not watch "stranger than fiction" for awhile. Or Jaws.


another sleepless night

it's funny how the second i start updating my blog and stuff, i get super tired. i should just do it earlier. maybe i'ts like writing in my journal. i'm venting right now. i don't really have anything to vent about though. Everything in my life (for what seems like way too long) is going amazingly well and i have nothing to go on about. not here anyway.


such a good night

I know I've already posted two times today. but in my defense they went together. And tonight was so good I can't pass it up. So I went to a movie. But let me back up. So I work at the MTC. And at said MTC there's a branch president I work with, who likes to help the teachers go on dates. So he gave us all two tickets to see a movie. So my friend came down for my birthday, and took me to Fudds. and while we were there he told me about a movie that he just saw, called Slumdog Millionare. He was going off about how amazing it is and stuff like that. So I knew I had to go. But I also needed a date. So I thought about it, and I was like: Hey I know just who to ask. So I did.Of course, me being the pansy I am, I did it through text. There's no need to tell me how lame I am. So we went, and let me tell you "Slumdog Millionare" is intense. And amazing. There was all sorts of craziness. A lot went into that movie. Of course part of the reason I liked it so much is because of who I was with. She didn't even seem to mind that I talk to movies. Although I really tried not to. I promise. Anyway. Now I'm just getting ready for my lesson tomorrow. And for bed. Ward council comes awful early.

Wish number three

I've thought of wish number 3.

3) I wish I could grow out my chops and my hair. I'm tired of having pretty much the same haircut my entire life. I wouldn't just wear it one way. I want to be able to switch it up to whatever way I want for that day. Make it short somedays, long and crazy sometimes like Justin Pierre. And to be able to change my chops. I like having more hair than less on my head (and my sideburns) but I can't because of where I go to school, and bigger, where I work. So to be able to wear it however outside of work, and then change it right before I come in would be amazing. So that's wish number three.

as you can see, my wishes are not normal ones, but everything else in life is good, and these things would just make it even better.

Soundtrack to a life

So I'm at work right now. On my laptop. I don't know if it's allowed, but I'm not actually working, or clocked in. I'm in my study time inbetween my saturday shifts. Saturdays are weird work days. But I digress. So I'm sitting here at work, just thinking. I've made a lot of progress on my lesson for priesthood, but i can't really think about it right now, so I'm letting it sit. It's on Pres. Monson's talk: Finding Joy in the Journey. I should get extra credit in Living Prophets for teaching this...So as I'm sitting here, wondering how rebellous I really am and thinking, I had a realization. It's one that I've had before, but I've decided on some wishes that I would have (given that I can't wish for more wishes or anything):

1) I wish I could read people's minds. Obviously not all the time, but there have been so many times in my life when I'm people watching (because that's one of my favorite things to do) and I see someone, perhaps and old man staring out the window as his son is driving him down the highway. Maybe it's a girl standing alone in a group, waiting for class to start, eyes glazed over, looking at the floor. Maybe it's an urgent new mother, bouncing her baby as she scans the crowds of students who bustle by. Everyone in their own littler world. Their own thoughts, dreams, problems, crushes, everything. I want to be able to go into those worlds they have and understand them. I wouldn't use my powers for evil, just to learn, maybe even to help people. I just need to satiate my curiousity.

2) I wish that I had a soundtrack playing. I almost always have my ipod, or a cd player, or itunes or something, listening. and I change the song constantly to fit my mood. Sometimes however, I can't think of a song, or I don't have a way to listen to it when I need it most. The idea way would be that it's always playing in my head, and when I need it too I could project it out for other people to hear. Then I could always have something to go with how I feel, and with the affect that music has on my, it could even change my mood to a better one. That would be an amazing thing to have. and it would help me to reach my goal of speaking only using lines and references to songs and movies. That would be amazing, but not a wish.

3) So I can't really think of a third wish I would have right now. I wrote one, but it was more of on the spot and not one that I've actually thought about a lot. Maybe I'll add one later. But I'm going to call this good for the time being.

In other news, yesterday was my birthday. And thank you to everyone who helped make it such an awesome day. From my missioanries at the MTC, to all the posts on my wall, and texts on my phone, to the spooning from a certain someone who will remain anonymous, to my entire ward singing to me, To the Jacksons and the most awesome shirt ever (i'll probably just hang it on my wall guys...), and to the punk who took me to Fuddruckers and ride in his mom's crazy nice car. Two super big thanks go out to 1) my family (thanks momma, dad, matt and ben for making it such a good year. the presents are amazing, but not near amazing as all of you. I love you all so much) and 2) Lissa and Kendra for not letting me go to bed at 10, for showing me such a super funny movie, and for making sure that I got a candle on my birthday (in a cookie!). I'm 22 now, and that's a good year to make things be awesome.

I should probably go now. I don't want my missionaries to know that I have a laptop, and they'll be back from gym soon. We're going to practice asking questions!


So I'm updating again. Cause that's how we roll. Another week of school has gone by, and the classes that I'm in are set in stone. I'm excited. Things are looking good. My psych class is way cool. As are my religion classes. I have to say the class I'm most looking forward to is my Writings of Isaiah class, but that's just how much of a religion nerd I am. My History of Jazz class is pretty sweet also. I really like writing letters to people so here's another one to the wonderful people at University Parking Enforcement or whatever:

Dear Parking Enforcement people:
What the heck? leave me alone. It seems like no matter where I go or what I do you're always harassing me. First it's when I park my brother's car at my complex. I live there, which is just ridiculous. And I could maybe understand if there were parking issues and people had to park in the streets and stuff. But guess what? the lot I was in had maybe three other cars in it.However, that one incident is understandable.
Then comes the second time. On my own car. Thanksgiving weekend. I would have gotten a pass if the office had been open, but guess what? All the people were off showing love and caring for other human beings, so I couldn't get a pass. You guys and your facist rules sure weren't on my list of thankfuls this year. And the worst part of it all? When you came to take the boot off my car, I had a pass in my window. And I still had to pay, your employees aren't very christian at all.
Speaking of facism, what is the deal with stopping by so close to the cut off? Yes I know the rule is midnight, but sometimes movies just need to be finished, or a kiss goes a little longer than planned. Or maybe someone is stuck in their friends bathroom with the worst diahreea they've ever had in their entire life. Maybe if you waited until like 1230 before you started taping yellow papers to windows, people wouldn't hate you so much. Watching you screech around the corner as I'm pulling out of the lot at 1212 on a SATURDAY NIGHT is just ridiculous. Weekdays: semi-understandable. Weekends: Lame sauce.
My last and most recent run in with your heartless and decieving product was just yesterday. I live in an apartment complex called "the Elms" which, unlike my previous place of residence, has a serious parking issue, there just isn't the space for all the cars owned by residents. finding an actual parking spot is a rare treasure, and makes driving places a high risk venture. So imagine my joy when I pulled up late at night to see a spot open, just for me. So i quickly pulled in, and carefully scuttled across the ice/snow covered parking lot to the warmth of my apartment. Imagine my shock and horror when I come out the next day to see your cursed yellow paper stuck to my window.
My first thought when I see the paper is: my parking pass must have fallen down. Nope it's there. Why then? Quickly I look at the paper: RED ZONE. What is it talking about? there are even concrete parking dividers in front of my car. how am I supposed to know that it's a red zone? You can't even see it through all the snow. So I call them to tell them I need it taken off. The guy says "wait in your car we'll be ther in 10 minutes" 24 minutes later they come, and it rejects my card, which I know has money on it because I just got paid. So I have to use my emergency card.
So in conclusion, I know that your employees are just doing their job. And I know that they aren't a very popular people. And I'm grateful and glad that they enforce the rules and help keep parking spaces safe, but really? a red zone covered in snow? thanksgiving weekend? 50 dollars? have a heart. I'll even give it a permanent sticker.



so I've got a really good friend who gave up meat for a week. Not for any personal beliefs or anything, just because his football team won on sunday and he said he would if they did. Since it's not for any major reasons, i've been giving him a hard time about it. and through it i've learned quite a bit about the animals rights activists and some of the issues that they have. I'm fine with the idea people have of giving animals rights and standing for those that can't defend themselves, but according to this site (as well as a bunch of others) people take it too far. now it's one thing to throw paint on someone (which i just think is dumb). it's another entirely to blow up someone's property, send dangerous items through the mail, and destory their cars. People's rights come before those of animals. so i've decided to write them a letter

Dear PETA, ELF, ALF and other animals rights organizations:
I'm writing this letter today for a few reasons. My first reason is to say: way for sticking up for the little guy. Those little cute animals have such a hard time standing up for themselves and I'm so happy that you've find a purpose in your life. And supporting the red paint industry. That being said, I would like to ask you why you're so hypocritical. I mean, I'm all for animals, I even get the peta2 newsletter in my email and check your stuff out all the stuff it has. I do eat meat, but I try to, you know, keep it on the lower levels, and believe very strongly in treating animals as nicely as possible while they're alive. I can see where you're coming from. But violence towards other humans? That's not cool. There's no reason to perform, support, or condone aggressive actions towards another living being. Animals may have feelings, and may have certain qualities, but you can't demand that they recieve "humane" treatment when you don't afford the same level of treatment to "humans."

You like animals. You love animals. Some of you probably wish that you were animals. So let's pretend right now that we're all animals. We live in the happy animal kingdom. Rocking the Jungle like Ben Folds and the suburbs. In this utopial forest we'll make us be humans, since we know that lions are the kings of the kazbah. One day you find out that Simba eats antalopes. Now you're all about antelopes having rights (and aren't a big fan of the whole cirlce business the pride is always singing about). So rather than just suggesting and encouraing more bug and grass consumption, you go and blow up pride rock. throw stuff at Nala and the cubs where they're out at a hunting lesson. I mean come on. Disney wouldn't buy that movie at all man.

I'm not saying you guys are wrong in your beliefs and by all means, keep sending me your emails, I love watching The Roost: Superhero Chicken to the Rescue, and can't wait for the next chapter. But even this shows that if the animals really wanted to, they can just take care of themselves. Still not convinced? How about now?You don't need to resort to terrorist acts. Please treat humans with the same level of respect and love that you want them to treat animals with. It's just how it should be.



ps. speaking of fighting back, this is absolutely AMAZING


random update (i know i'm overdue)

So not very many people read this, which is probably good because i never actually seem to post things here. I should probably just get good at just getting on and writing things really fast. Like right now. Anyway, the past few months have been a journey from one area of study to another, never really sure what to do. I say this because I finally think I know what I want to do: Finish college. So, with that in mind I'm returning to my Psychology major. I mean, I'm far into to it, I might as well just finish it, hope for the MTC teacher job, and then figure out what to do if that doesn't work out. Genius idea. I'm finally moved into my new apartment (sort of, I got all the stuff out of my old apartment, and just need to move it from the car to my new place. And then find homes for it. Not bad at all. My new roommates are pretty dang sweet. My job is going amazing, the missionaries and freaking sweet, and everything is going well. I'll probably even start dating some (much to the joy of my mother I'm sure). Nothing to complain about. the one weirdness is that I have a 2 hour break in my work times saturday night, if i had a girlfriend i could easily fill it with seeing her, but i don't. So I study instead.

Random points of the moment: Panic's new album has a very beatles-y sound to it, which i REALLY like
the angry whopper at burger king is amazing. this week i'm going to try the steakhouse, because i hear it's quality also.

wish of the night: i wish i could draw, because then i could start a webcomic. i think it'd be fun


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just doing my thing ya know