Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


So I'm updating again. Cause that's how we roll. Another week of school has gone by, and the classes that I'm in are set in stone. I'm excited. Things are looking good. My psych class is way cool. As are my religion classes. I have to say the class I'm most looking forward to is my Writings of Isaiah class, but that's just how much of a religion nerd I am. My History of Jazz class is pretty sweet also. I really like writing letters to people so here's another one to the wonderful people at University Parking Enforcement or whatever:

Dear Parking Enforcement people:
What the heck? leave me alone. It seems like no matter where I go or what I do you're always harassing me. First it's when I park my brother's car at my complex. I live there, which is just ridiculous. And I could maybe understand if there were parking issues and people had to park in the streets and stuff. But guess what? the lot I was in had maybe three other cars in it.However, that one incident is understandable.
Then comes the second time. On my own car. Thanksgiving weekend. I would have gotten a pass if the office had been open, but guess what? All the people were off showing love and caring for other human beings, so I couldn't get a pass. You guys and your facist rules sure weren't on my list of thankfuls this year. And the worst part of it all? When you came to take the boot off my car, I had a pass in my window. And I still had to pay, your employees aren't very christian at all.
Speaking of facism, what is the deal with stopping by so close to the cut off? Yes I know the rule is midnight, but sometimes movies just need to be finished, or a kiss goes a little longer than planned. Or maybe someone is stuck in their friends bathroom with the worst diahreea they've ever had in their entire life. Maybe if you waited until like 1230 before you started taping yellow papers to windows, people wouldn't hate you so much. Watching you screech around the corner as I'm pulling out of the lot at 1212 on a SATURDAY NIGHT is just ridiculous. Weekdays: semi-understandable. Weekends: Lame sauce.
My last and most recent run in with your heartless and decieving product was just yesterday. I live in an apartment complex called "the Elms" which, unlike my previous place of residence, has a serious parking issue, there just isn't the space for all the cars owned by residents. finding an actual parking spot is a rare treasure, and makes driving places a high risk venture. So imagine my joy when I pulled up late at night to see a spot open, just for me. So i quickly pulled in, and carefully scuttled across the ice/snow covered parking lot to the warmth of my apartment. Imagine my shock and horror when I come out the next day to see your cursed yellow paper stuck to my window.
My first thought when I see the paper is: my parking pass must have fallen down. Nope it's there. Why then? Quickly I look at the paper: RED ZONE. What is it talking about? there are even concrete parking dividers in front of my car. how am I supposed to know that it's a red zone? You can't even see it through all the snow. So I call them to tell them I need it taken off. The guy says "wait in your car we'll be ther in 10 minutes" 24 minutes later they come, and it rejects my card, which I know has money on it because I just got paid. So I have to use my emergency card.
So in conclusion, I know that your employees are just doing their job. And I know that they aren't a very popular people. And I'm grateful and glad that they enforce the rules and help keep parking spaces safe, but really? a red zone covered in snow? thanksgiving weekend? 50 dollars? have a heart. I'll even give it a permanent sticker.

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