Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


Soundtrack to a life

So I'm at work right now. On my laptop. I don't know if it's allowed, but I'm not actually working, or clocked in. I'm in my study time inbetween my saturday shifts. Saturdays are weird work days. But I digress. So I'm sitting here at work, just thinking. I've made a lot of progress on my lesson for priesthood, but i can't really think about it right now, so I'm letting it sit. It's on Pres. Monson's talk: Finding Joy in the Journey. I should get extra credit in Living Prophets for teaching this...So as I'm sitting here, wondering how rebellous I really am and thinking, I had a realization. It's one that I've had before, but I've decided on some wishes that I would have (given that I can't wish for more wishes or anything):

1) I wish I could read people's minds. Obviously not all the time, but there have been so many times in my life when I'm people watching (because that's one of my favorite things to do) and I see someone, perhaps and old man staring out the window as his son is driving him down the highway. Maybe it's a girl standing alone in a group, waiting for class to start, eyes glazed over, looking at the floor. Maybe it's an urgent new mother, bouncing her baby as she scans the crowds of students who bustle by. Everyone in their own littler world. Their own thoughts, dreams, problems, crushes, everything. I want to be able to go into those worlds they have and understand them. I wouldn't use my powers for evil, just to learn, maybe even to help people. I just need to satiate my curiousity.

2) I wish that I had a soundtrack playing. I almost always have my ipod, or a cd player, or itunes or something, listening. and I change the song constantly to fit my mood. Sometimes however, I can't think of a song, or I don't have a way to listen to it when I need it most. The idea way would be that it's always playing in my head, and when I need it too I could project it out for other people to hear. Then I could always have something to go with how I feel, and with the affect that music has on my, it could even change my mood to a better one. That would be an amazing thing to have. and it would help me to reach my goal of speaking only using lines and references to songs and movies. That would be amazing, but not a wish.

3) So I can't really think of a third wish I would have right now. I wrote one, but it was more of on the spot and not one that I've actually thought about a lot. Maybe I'll add one later. But I'm going to call this good for the time being.

In other news, yesterday was my birthday. And thank you to everyone who helped make it such an awesome day. From my missioanries at the MTC, to all the posts on my wall, and texts on my phone, to the spooning from a certain someone who will remain anonymous, to my entire ward singing to me, To the Jacksons and the most awesome shirt ever (i'll probably just hang it on my wall guys...), and to the punk who took me to Fuddruckers and ride in his mom's crazy nice car. Two super big thanks go out to 1) my family (thanks momma, dad, matt and ben for making it such a good year. the presents are amazing, but not near amazing as all of you. I love you all so much) and 2) Lissa and Kendra for not letting me go to bed at 10, for showing me such a super funny movie, and for making sure that I got a candle on my birthday (in a cookie!). I'm 22 now, and that's a good year to make things be awesome.

I should probably go now. I don't want my missionaries to know that I have a laptop, and they'll be back from gym soon. We're going to practice asking questions!

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