Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around



so I've got a really good friend who gave up meat for a week. Not for any personal beliefs or anything, just because his football team won on sunday and he said he would if they did. Since it's not for any major reasons, i've been giving him a hard time about it. and through it i've learned quite a bit about the animals rights activists and some of the issues that they have. I'm fine with the idea people have of giving animals rights and standing for those that can't defend themselves, but according to this site (as well as a bunch of others) people take it too far. now it's one thing to throw paint on someone (which i just think is dumb). it's another entirely to blow up someone's property, send dangerous items through the mail, and destory their cars. People's rights come before those of animals. so i've decided to write them a letter

Dear PETA, ELF, ALF and other animals rights organizations:
I'm writing this letter today for a few reasons. My first reason is to say: way for sticking up for the little guy. Those little cute animals have such a hard time standing up for themselves and I'm so happy that you've find a purpose in your life. And supporting the red paint industry. That being said, I would like to ask you why you're so hypocritical. I mean, I'm all for animals, I even get the peta2 newsletter in my email and check your stuff out all the stuff it has. I do eat meat, but I try to, you know, keep it on the lower levels, and believe very strongly in treating animals as nicely as possible while they're alive. I can see where you're coming from. But violence towards other humans? That's not cool. There's no reason to perform, support, or condone aggressive actions towards another living being. Animals may have feelings, and may have certain qualities, but you can't demand that they recieve "humane" treatment when you don't afford the same level of treatment to "humans."

You like animals. You love animals. Some of you probably wish that you were animals. So let's pretend right now that we're all animals. We live in the happy animal kingdom. Rocking the Jungle like Ben Folds and the suburbs. In this utopial forest we'll make us be humans, since we know that lions are the kings of the kazbah. One day you find out that Simba eats antalopes. Now you're all about antelopes having rights (and aren't a big fan of the whole cirlce business the pride is always singing about). So rather than just suggesting and encouraing more bug and grass consumption, you go and blow up pride rock. throw stuff at Nala and the cubs where they're out at a hunting lesson. I mean come on. Disney wouldn't buy that movie at all man.

I'm not saying you guys are wrong in your beliefs and by all means, keep sending me your emails, I love watching The Roost: Superhero Chicken to the Rescue, and can't wait for the next chapter. But even this shows that if the animals really wanted to, they can just take care of themselves. Still not convinced? How about now?You don't need to resort to terrorist acts. Please treat humans with the same level of respect and love that you want them to treat animals with. It's just how it should be.



ps. speaking of fighting back, this is absolutely AMAZING

1 comment:

Jameson said...

Straight up man! Way to be.


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