Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around



Sometimes I just get so dang tired and I don't know what to do. The next 3 weeks are going to be intense and crazy. They always pile everything on at the last moment, and I don't understand. The fact that I'm getting married in 78 days doesn't help at all either. I'm so excited for that. more excited than I am for the blog, which is going to go in a different direction (again). The only problem (once again) is that I don't know what that direction is exactly. We'll see though. I'm hoping that it will form into something that's freaking AMAZING. but we'll just have to see. Sometimes it's sad to look at how many people follow me on twitter, or actually do things on facebook or read my blog and realize how pathetically small that number is. But then I realize that there really isn't a reason to. So I don't feel bad. I'll switch it up somehow and start getting out there so that people will want to follow me. But we'll see. Lots of followers can be bad (look what happened to "why lds girls stay single") but I guess only time will tell.

I realized something today during my Jazz History class. My professor was telling us about some musician that we needed to remember (from the Weather Report) and he told us some stories and such and I'll remember all that, but I won't remember the person's name. I don't know if there's a name for that, but it's a problem I've always had. I can remember so many random details, things that people told me 5 years ago. I can remember eating at a restaurant in Nauvoo almost 10 years ago. I can remember tons of little things and snippets of stuff from throughout my whole life. Things that other people don't even remember.
NOTE: RANDOM, LONG BORING PARAGRAPH ABOUT THINGS I REMEMBER FROM EARLY YEARS OF CHILDHOOD. you may want to skip it. I just talk about a few of the many, many things I remember from when I was super young. you could probably just skip it...

I can vividly remember a toy food fight I had in preschool. We were in the basement right by the stairs, the kind that go straight down and end in a wall and you have to turn to the right to get out. Anyway, there were about 5 of us there standing by the play kitchen with the red roof (the ones that kids have) and we were chucking the plastic food at each other. And I remember one of the little girls trying to get up on the stairs and out of the way. She had on a red jumper and long, straight, super blonde hair. she was pushing the little shopping cart and ducking down. And I thought about pegging her with the fake corn-on-the-cob that I had in my hand, but then I remember thinking "she's cute, I won't hit her" and turning away, not throwing the corn at her. I also remember sitting by her the day we were in school and I tried coconut for the first time. we were in a circle in the main play room (the room with the tables was through the doorway). I remember how small the pieces were cut up. I remember hating how the milk tasted, and how dry the meat made my teeth feel, and telling Nick how much I hated it afterwards. I also remember when Nick swallowed his popcorn quarter. He was still wearing his coat (he did that a lot) and was sitting to my right (I was facing the part of the room that had the color stuff). And I thought that he was going to die or at least get really sick. He didn't look too good at all. So he got to leave early. I remember the first day in that kindergarten and how big and long the space between the van and the door seemed. I remember how my backpack felt on my back. I remember when we got a new van and my parents pulled up and we were so excited. I remember all the days with Chandler out in the sandbox. I remember when my eyes swelled shut because of hay fever. and my cousin Jared was visiting and I was embarassed because Jared and Matt always seemed cooler than me and here I was sitting on the couch in front of the TV and they come down the stairs and I've got goobers in my eye like nobody's business. And I remember my mom telling me not to scratch my eyes as we laid on her water bed late at night (it probably wasn't really that late, but it seemed like it) with a wet rag over them. I remember when my mom got super sick (bronchitus, or something like that) and when I picked out my button at the hospital when ben was born that said I was a big brother (it was on the bottom left side of the open faced stacking bins). I remember SO many random things for my childhood. I remember the first time I saw my mom wearing her glasses. I came up the stairs looking for her, and i turned left to go down the little hall to her room and there was this lady sitting on the floor with her back against the wall, just after the bathroom and right before the master bedroom entrance. She was reading a book and she looked up at me as I came around the corner and for a second I didn't know who she was. Then I did. And I remember how strange it felt to see her in glasses. I could go on and on and on for a super long time about all the things I remember (some of them I wish I could forget...).

If I can remember so many things so vividly (and I know I'm not imagining that I'm remembering them because I remember thinking about them at other times in my life), why can't I for the life of me remember any of the things on my tests I'll have the next few weeks? I can remember irrelevant things so easily. But ask me to remember some names of people. Or dates and such and I can't hold onto. I can even think of all the stories about the people that I'm supposed to remember, but forget about their names. I guess that just shows that I'm the kind of people who remembers people and the little things about their lives and not so much the facts. But I guess that's just how things are sometimes. I also remembered why I don't really ever write in this blog...it's not very good. Oh well. I'm posting this anyway.

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