Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


so just the randomest of the random

So I always get crazy good ideas of things I can write about for this, but then I forget them. Given how cruddy my post was last night (I’m putting all the blame on the drugs.) I’ve decided to write a new post. I’m not saying it’ll be any better, but hey, don’t blame me. Ok, you can blame me. Basically this whatever has popped in my head the last few hours.

So there are a lot of different views on what happened to Christ (concerning his death) Christians believe (for the most part) that He died on the cross and then was resurrected on the third day. Muslisms (If I understand what my World Religions teacher, bro. Keller, just said) believe that someone else died on the cross, not Christ and that he, in essence, was translated. Then there was the crazy guy on my mission. He told us that Jesus didn’t actually die on the cross. Let me explain how, according to this guy, the last part of the mortal ministry of Christ plays out.

Christ comes, is beaten, judged and hung on the cross, which makes sense. He’s so tired and beat that he passes out and appears to be dead. The guy stabs him with the spear and they decide that He’s dead. So they go and bury him in the tomb. While he’s there he somehow, after sustaining horrendous wounds while on the cross he somehow got enough strength to move the rock out of the way and get out. When the people showed up to see him (the virgin Mary (who also happens to be Mary Magdalene)) He’s there, but not dead. The reason he appeared glorified is because he was so sick and pale from loss of blood. So then he goes on and dies later in a bed somewhere. Now this guy just got me upset, because that is just ridiculous. Not only is it physically impossible, but it doesn’t fit in with what the accounts say. So dumb. Anyway, that came because I’m in World Religions right now, and my teacher said something about what the Muslims believe with Christ. We’re talking about a religion right now that I’ve never heard of before: Bahai (I don’t think that’s how it’s spelled…). I don’t understand any of it. But hey, that’s ok. I’ll just read the section again.

This last weekend I went up to Sandy to get out of Provo. and it was great. But I had some time before I took off to stop by can check out gray whale records. I honestly spent like and hour and a half there. Such a hard time picking what to buy. I was debating between buying something I know that i'll like but don't really need, or risking getting something I might not like. Then I came across "Wild Sweet Oranges." and let me say. I'm amazed. I'm actually talking about it more in my other blog. so check it out. It’s totally worth it though. Also worth it is the movie “The Fall.” I know some of you don’t watch R rated movies, but this one I still recommend. There’s no sex scenes and I’m not totally sure why they gave it for violence (maybe I’ve just seen 300 too many times…) But it really is an amazing movie that changed my life. Really made me think about what’s been controlling my thoughts lately. And what to do about it.

So I think I’m going to wrap this whole thing up. I don’t really have a whole lot to say. My blog really isn’t very organized anymore. This is pretty much how my mind has become, always forgetting things and falling apart on things that are important. I hope everything is good for everyone else.


1 comment:

Jameson said...

I had a guy tell me that Judas was crucified instead and it was a big conspiracy. Riiiiight....

ps nag champa > life


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