Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


some driving thoughts

So I had a date last night. All the way up in Ogden, and it was a lot of fun. My friend from the mission set it up. I thought it actually went pretty well, which is something that doesn't seem to happen for me on dates. As I was on my really long drive back down, when I'd hit those spots where for some reason using my little ipod radio thing just didn't work, I had a lot of time to think (as well as get the 3rd worst headache I think I've ever had (I don't think the two things were related)). And as I thought I came for a few conclusions:
1) I am not very good at the first bunch of dates. Once I start dating someone I like to think (of course I'm probably wrong) that I do a pretty good job of being a good boyfriend. I try to make sure that they're happy, and put their needs and wants in front of mine and stuff, but it's getting into that relationship that I'm bad at. I honestly don't know how it's happened in the past, poor confused women falling getting confused, or having pity or something.
2) I am not a "doing" person. When I took that color test thing it said that I was a white, which as you know, means I'm a boring, pansy pushover. This does not help me get the ladies. But I digress. Not saying that I support the color code like even 47%, but I am a person who doesn't really care if I don't do anything. I am perfectly content to just sit on the couch and not really do much of anything, including talk. This can cause a lot of problems when you're supposed to be getting to know someone.
3) I and not a conversationalist. I like to listen to people. And watch them. And try to read them to see where they're coming from and things like that. I do not really like just sitting around and talking a lot with someone, especially when I don't really know them. And that's what first dates are all about. And then leading to second dates. Yeah. I don't do that at all...

I was going to write about certain things I need in a girl, but I need to go make a phone call to a certain person. So we'll take care of that later.

I'm the patron saint of lost causes- Namewithheld

1 comment:

Kirsten said...

hey it's kirsten. and i'm red. you should ask me for advice you white boy. and buy that tech deck thing.


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just doing my thing ya know