Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


just filling time

so i've come to realize that i'm not very good at psychology. so i have to change majors. i'm ok with that, because i really want to be a seminary teacher. i'm just that nerdy. i'm beginning to be alright with the fact that i'll have to live in one of a few places for awhile, at least until i can become like an insitute director or something. but that's not what i wanted to talk about. i was thinking about my blog over the thanksgiving break (especially after i found out my cousin who isn't even 10 has a blog too) and i don't really have a point behind it. i just ramble off something about whatever and then stick it up. i don't really ever re-read it. so i just wanted to post this to find out who actually reads this? so if you do please post and let me know that you do. i don't have to know who it is. i just was wondering if people even know this is here. so if could could comment and let me know, that'd be awesome thanks.

in other news my extended family thinks i'm crazy or something. they saw my emo pictures and aren't quite sure what to think. my mom banned me from halloween (my kids won't go and we'll be that dark house on the street that doesn't give out any candy or anything, sorry kids) and my one cousin thinks i've been destroyed in a relationship or something. i wish i knew who broke my heart and stuff, because then i could target my angst towards someone.

1 comment:

Jameson said...

I read it! And I'm sorry...I was the one who ruined you. I didn't want to strain our relationship and tell you, but that's the way it is. Lame.


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just doing my thing ya know