Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


6 months

Today marks 6 months of my being home from my mission. So crazy. Let's take a look back and see what we've accomplished:

-I've moved twice, once away from home and then to a new apartment, with plans to move again in a few weeks
-I've gotten my dream college job
-I've finally decided what I want to do with my life (the next few years will see if that's actually going to happen)
-I bought the scooter I've wanted for so long
-I kissed a girl
-I've purchased an ipod. but not just any old ipod. we're talking the ipod touch. (this is significant because I told myself I'd never get an ipod)
-I've been to some amazing concerts (motion city soundtrack, ace enders, hellogoodbye, the hush sound, panic at the disco, cary judd, rocky votolato, ryan shupe and the rubberband)
-I've been dumped
-I've put makeup on my own face
-I got a Costco Membership
-I went to a Real game (and understood swearing in two different languages)
-I've gone rock climbing (and was forced to climb the whole thing)
-I've lost 20 pounds (that I didn't have to lose)
-I've eaten at chipotle. several times
-I managed to be banned from halloween by my mother for the rest of my life
-I've made this list

so there's probably a lot more that I've done. But I can't think of anything right now. I did have some really cool insights at church. I really think I'll be able to be a seminary teacher, even though it's such a hard job to get. It's a righteous desire of my heart. Some people say that lots of people have that desire. But in one of the talks the speaker talked about how in french the way to say please actually means "if it pleases you" so you're asking the lord to do things only if it pleases him. As I've thought about it, I honestly feel that teaching seminary is a righteous desire of my heart that would be pleasing to the Lord. I also would love to be a religion professor at BYU, but I don't feel that would be pleasing to to Lord, so although it's a good thing, it's not a righteous desire because it's not in line with what the Lord wants. I don't know if that makes sense when I write it, but basically what I'm trying to say that a desire of the heart is what we truly want, and a righteous desire is when the Lord wants it as well. anyway. 6 months. crazy. I'm still not engaged. Take that missionaries who thought I would be...


Jameson said...

You kissed a girl! You are awesome. haha. Anyway I've almost hit 3 months and it's pretty crazy. I can't imagine what 6 will be like. And don't worry about Thanksgiving it's all good I got over it. You rule man.

Kirsten said...

why are you banned from halloween?


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just doing my thing ya know