Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


just some questions about what people say

So I was reading the AP news on my ipod touch and I noticed an article about Proposition 8. As I was reading my mind started asking the questions is always does, and I wanted to ask it here. Now, before I get started I just want to say I'm not going to debate this, because all internet debates slowly break down until we get to "zomg!! wtf ur a idot don no nething!!!1! n00b" and frankly, I'm not very fluent in youtuber. I'm not worried though, since like one person reads this blog anyway (shout out to skanks).
Anyway, I was reading an article entitled Gay couples dissappointed by Calif. marriage ban, which is understandable because they wanted it to pass. You could create a whole other articel entitled "Conservative leaders dissappointed by Obama presidental win" and it would pretty much follow the general idea. Aside from the fact that people are already filing lawsuits and suing etc (on what grounds I have NO idea), there was one particular quote that really confuses me. Normally I wouldn't care, because well, people say dumb things, but this is coming from Brian Brown, the executive director of the National Organization for Marraige California, which sounds pretty dang imporant. He said: "Government did not create marriage, and neither politicians nor legislators have the right to redefine its basic meaning...Common sense, and concern for the common good, trumped ideology, bigotry and power politics here in California." So let's break this down shall we?
"Government did not create marriage" question one: then who did? If it wasn't government the only other person who could have the authority to make it would be Jesus. And need I bring up scriptures to show how he feels about homosexuality? And really the government did create marriage, or at least controls the legal aspects of it. If they didn't, why would you care about proposition 8 or any other marraige legislation? the government doesn't say who you can and can't love, or sleep with.
"Common sense...in California." What? I don't get that part at all. If anyone gets it, please explain it to me becaue I'm just confused. Does he mean that common sense and common good trumped ideolody, bigotry and power politics? or is he just listing things that are in California? I really don't get that. Well I'm going to go get ready for work. I'll probably update this tonight again with something a little more interesting


Jameson said...

Well I'll say what I think it means. I was blessed with the gift of tongues, maybe it still works. Well, Marriage wasn't created by government...it has been around since before governments existed. I think it's trying to say something like "you can't change a definition of a word that's been around forever." And that the ideas of common sense and concern for the common good, which are both present in California, won out over the other ideas present in Cali, ie bigotry, ideaology, power politics. That's my take on it.

I want to know why people see us as haters now. I get upset because of that. I don't hate anyone. I'm just concerned with the world's morality.

Jameson said...

Heck yes that's a good movie.


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