Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


back to the roots

I've got a story, I guess. It's not really a story, but anyway...Music is basically one of the most important things in my life. I wake up to, go to bed to, and spend every possible minute in between with my headphones in or music going. The two year "haitus" while I was on my mission was rough stuff because I couldn't listen to a lot of the music I love. Thankfully my mission was pretty lax on the whole deal so I got away with a lot more than I probably should have. And of course I filled the gap in with talk. I love sharing bands and I met a ton of guys who did too. We would talk about bands anytime that we could and they shared a lot of amazing artists with me. After my audial fast I have to admit I got a little carried away with the whole musical deal. I just picked up band after band after band. It was great. I have to admit I got a little carried away. If I had a chance to get a new band I'd jump on it. It started out alright, a little screaming here and there, maybe some growl with a little of "A Day to Remember" but i slowly drifted farther and farther into the scary realm. Before I knew it, I was being poisoned by "Snow White's Poison Bite." It not's that i listened to it much, but the just fact that it was there was a pretty good wakeup call that I was out of control. I didn't know what to do so that I could get back on track. Then a miracle came. I was sitting around tonight, not sure what to do, and I remembered that I have netflix instant watch. "I'll watch some good old, commerical free TV. Maybe some 30Rock or the Office." As I signed on I thought I'd go and check out some of the movies that i can actually watch. That's when I saw that the movie "Across the Universe" is on the list. I've watched it before, however it's a favorite of a girl that's extremely important to me, so I decided to watch it. And what a change it's been. Back when I was in high school I didn't really listen to anything but the Beatles, but since being home I haven't really given them much time. Of course I always add them to my ipod, and they for sure get some air time everyday. After the movie though, I realized why I bought all the books and learned everything I possibly could about them. Their music is absolutely amazing. A lot of people don't like the movie, but I enjoy it a lot. it's amazing, and they did a really goo job with the covers. I don't know why I'm writing this, cause I'm sure no one really cared, but I'm for sure going to be breaking out my Beatles again

1 comment:

Jameson said...

I'm not gonna lie. The Beatles freaking rock. But I can't deny the freaking amazingness of 3 Inches of Blood. Seriously. If you like Iron Maiden you absolutely need to check them out.

And You've Got To Hide Your Love Away is one of the best songs by the Beatles. I haven't listened to them in a long time. I need to do that. Thanks.


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just doing my thing ya know