Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


looking up

So this is the third blog i have on this address alone. i think i may have a problem. i just can't seem to get settled in. but now things are happening in my life. so i think i'll have something to write about. and maybe people will read it too. we'll just have to see. i'll also start updating my reviews more, even on advance cds (moving up right?) so things are looking up. i don't know what this blog is supposed to be like, but it'll grow up into a big, strong, web journal. or something. i don't know how their lives go exactly. so i really don't know what to write. and youtube distracted me with music videos and jack black. yeah for small, blurry clips from tv shows that probably aren't even around anymore.

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just doing my thing ya know