Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


The Autumn Experience

So fall is sort of here. Maybe it is totally here, I haven't had real Autumn experience (the Autumn Experience isn't a bad band name) for two years. Needless to say, I enjoy all the bright colors and the brisk, dry air as the girls walk around dressed especially cute. The other day I had a thought, but I haven't had the desire to write about it until now, as I sit in a towel on the couch (EDIT: I'm now sitting in a deep, not so dark corner of the library trying to study, and I'm fully dressed). That thought came to me as I made my way home with Prudence, "I Want to Hear You Sad" from The Early November's acoustic EP weaving it's way through my thought processes. I want to write it down before I forget it, hopefully it comes out like in my head, but it never does, oh well.
Foliage Relations.
People are like leaves:
Some are resilient, clinging to the branch of the tree, stubborn and resistant to change. They cling firmly to what they know, not letting go when the bitter winds come and all the others around it fall.
Others are bright and vibrant, a beauty and a joy to all those around them. People go out of their way to see them
Then you have those small ones that group together, going with the crowd, wherever the wind takes them. They aren't very cool when they stand alone, but when caught up with the others they are so facsinating
Then we have the leaves that are in a pile, troublesome to adults and a difficult task for many to deal with, but to those who love life, hours upon hours of joy and happiness are found.
Sadly we also have fake leaves. Those that are fabricated in hopes of impressing some, and they're good for their occasion moment, but really, no one likes them and will use the real deal when possible.
There are so many other kinds of leaves (and people) and the question has to be asked, what kind of leaf are you? Me? I'm the broken leaf in the gutter, slowly rotting at the bottom of the puddle,of no use or interest to anyone but the microbes.

So it makes a lot more sense in my head. But then again, that's about the only place that things make sense for me. And I was going to go out and take pictures of all the different leaves and such, but that's way too much work. Maybe next time. And if you have any suggestions on other leaves just let me know and I'll edit them in (credit, of course will be given). In other news, my Halloween costume is starting to piece itself together. Just need the wig delivered, and to find some pants. My work meeting was canceled today and so all i really have this afternoon is an appointment, which shouldn't take too long and hopefully will help me out with where I'm at right now (something has to change)

I do the best imitation of myself -NameWithheld

ps I'm updating not that anyone is listening a little later, with at least one (my first) advance album
pps CARY JUDD. this saturday night. I really really REALLY want to go. You can come if you want...if you're a girl I'll even pay


Jameson said...

That's deep man. I love it. What about the one leaf that's still green that's hanging out randomly by itself on my back porch?

Maren said...

When and where is this show exactly? I like to listen to Cary Judd and I've heard he's way good live, not crappy like some bands that just suck...

ChAndrew said...

That leaf is like the lonely kid on the playground, still full of life, but it's only a matter of time before it dies. alone.


It's like the people who go out and see what's out there. They don't need the other people around to go with them, and timing isn't that important. They're out to see what's up


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just doing my thing ya know