Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


So many things to tallk about

So I have so much I could talk about that this post will probably actually wind up being really short. Today is Christmas. Merry Christmas. So for Christmas this year my family did the California fun pass, where you can go to Disneyland (and California Adventure) three days, Universal Studios OR Knotts Berry Farm once, Sea World, and then the San Diego Zoo OR Wild Animal Park, all for a surprisingly low price. Seriously, awesome deal. Now I love Disneyland (and California Adventure) so I'm not going to talk about that much. Except they have this awesome thing in C.A. where you go and they teach you how to draw various Disney characters, and they actually have you draw them. I really enjoyed it, and wish that I could draw well and things like that. So check that out (and "Turtle Talk with Crush" that's amazing also. And they're in the same building). Anyway. I want to talk about what we did with our Second day.
Last time we went, we chose to go to Knotts Berry Farm, which is alright, but it seems to be more for little kids. So we decided to go to Universal Studios. Now. I love movies, and I love how they are made. Everything about them is so amazing to me. Universal Studios however, is not amazing. Every thing we did (not just rides, but shows even) involved water hitting me, with the exception of one, in which I was called up to participate and be a volunteer. We went to a show about how they did the stunts for "Backdraft" (which is about fire and dry things) and I got sprayed. Sherk's 4-D garbage? sprayed me a ton. The studio backlot tour was pretty cool, just because we went up the street that is the set of Desperate Housewives, and they showed how they always use the same building sets for movies, but you never realize it, but I even got wet on that. No, the worst part of the park was the Simpsons ride.
Let's walk onto the ride, above us they have playing episodes of the simpsons, which is quite alright. There's no one in line with us, it just take forever to walk through all the little line things. Then you wait. It doesn't matter if there aren't any people anywhere, you just wait. then you go to a little room. and wait again. then you get on the ride, which is one of those motion ones, which i really don't like. so you start watching this movie and getting thrown around and sprayed in the face and everything. then they crash you at the bottom and you think the ride is over. so they take your picture. and the one they took for us is one the funniest ones i've ever seen, because the ride was so bad. i know some people like universal, i'm just not one of those people. sea world was pretty good though. i don't like the lack of rides and amount of shows (and it was POURING rain the whole time), but the when you think about it, the things that they train these animals to do is AMAZING. so that was interesting. overall the trip was a-grade material. i'm glad i was able to go. and then come home to feet of snow. i love it. for two years i wished and hoped and prayed for a white christmas, or just snow. and now i'm getting it. it won't stop. and i'm so happy.
i'm going to do another post to actually talk about christmas, because this one is getting a little long. but before i wrap it up i want to point out my inability to live without an ipod. As I was packing to leave for the airport there were several things I needed to do, and during the process I lost my ipod touch. Not a big deal right? apparently for me it is because we stopped at costco before we got on the plane so we could get our passes for Disney, and I bought a new one. So if I find my old one I can either return the one I have or sell the other one, so let me know if you'd like an ipod touch. I'll even put music and applications that I bought on it for you...

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