Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


i got engaged


it's spring day!

So as I was getting on the computer my Internet Explorer (which I only use for Netflix instantplay and my blog) opened up to google and welcomed me in with a logo designed by Eric Carle (he writes children's books). So I moved my mouse over it to learn that today is the first day of spring. I think Marcch 20th may become one of my new favorite days... I also deleted my facebook yesterday. Nothing new there. I'll keep it down for a bit and then open it up. It's mostly just a self control thing. I am not controlled. Of course normally I'm really bad at it...but I got it this time. So much self control. Speaking of self-control, I'm going to have to exercise it something serious the next several months,cause getting married is ridic-expensive. And I'm definitely not rich. But it'll all work out. the guv'ment helped out all the people I taught on my mission, and I'd say it's time for me to get my slice. Especially if I can't find anyone to buy my summer contract. Because turns out the people in the office don't know what they're talking about. They said I could just get out of my contract, but it turns out that I can't. So I wasn't worrying about it until BAM I find out that I'm stuck. So I'm a little peeved about that. So if you know anyone looking for a place to live from June to August...I've got a sweet place for them for really low price (utilities included) and and absolutely AMAZING ward. Heck I'll even cover part of the cost.


100 days

So it's been about a million years since i updated. but honestly i just don't know what i want this blog to do. i'll start writing a post, not finish it right away and then never get back to it. i don't know what to talk about or anything. i want a blog with a purpose. oh well. i got to go home this last weekend. that was a blast let me tell you. i love being around my family. and on top of that my favorite person in the whole world went with me. she was nervous to meet my parents, but they were nervous too. it worked out though. quite well. and now the 'little' bro can't say that i'm lying about my plans. 100 days. that's how long until my life will change in one of the biggest ways possible. and i'm so excited. i'd say i can't wait, but i can, because not waiting would be BAD. i'm so excited for so much. i think i'm going to make the goal to update this in some way for the next 100 days. that may be hard given trips and stuff. but we'll see. oh. and i called her dad. that was an enlightening conversation. it was like the hardest job interview ever. but apparently i passed. HIGH FIVE! i just wanted to get something up here

oh yeah. i got a speeding ticket also. what the heck.


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just doing my thing ya know