Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


comedy or tragedy?

1) the guy at wendy's called me guero.
2) the elevators are very very fast in the JFSB (I'm allowed to use them today because i took the super big hill this morning)
3) the water in the drinking fountains is nice and cold
4) monday schedule on a tuesday
5) i get to study with lissa
6) lissa tries to be sad but always just ends up laughing. a lot
7) my shoes are so very comfortable
8) i'm getting more and more photogenic
9) I'm also getting more and more not sick
10) Lissa found my flashcard

1) the vitamin water i bought was pretty nastalicous
2) turns out i wasn't actually hungry for the wendy's i bought (i knew i should have gotten chili)
3) my girlfriend thinks i'm emo. she just doesn't understand me
4) waking up for work was wicked hard carrots
5) i'm not tall enough to fit my feet
6) I still have a cough that makes me cry (but only little tears. of pain)
7) Lissa found my flashcard when I was there

In other news, my missionaries are now gone. The last one left this morning at about 11:45. I also got to substitute today. The elders were a little tricky and hard to work with, but I hope to get a lot of practice so that I can really help my next group to be absolutely AMAZING. I really think that my life is a comedy, cause things are working out. hopefully I don't just randomly die. I should probably not watch "stranger than fiction" for awhile. Or Jaws.


Jameson said...

What if you're a chick flick?

Jameson said...

Yeah but maybe you just have to do really cute stuff for her but still be rugged or something. Then you'll be in a chick flick. Josh Hartnett isn't the most attractive guy ever. Of course, he isn't rugged either...hm.


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just doing my thing ya know