Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


Change and Constancy

It's amazing to me how much in life changes, and how much stays the same.

-Blogging - I used to be all about it. Trying (and failing) to write amazing posts for like the 5 people that read them. Now it doesn't do much of anything for me.
-Music - I used to listen to it non-stop. I was always looking for new bands and whatnot. Now I rarely to never look for new music, and never find the time to really put music on and listen.
-Sleeping in - last Fall semester I could sleep (granted it was aided) straight up past noon without even thinking about it (obviously life was not a good thing for me).
-Television - I would always watch TV. I had my shows and I made sure that I was on top of them.
-Arguing - I remember the days when I would argue and switch sides mid-argument, just to keep it going. It was fun for me. I rarely find myself arguing anymore.
-Soda - Whilst in Texas (and thereafter) I lived on soda. two huge 64oz drinks a day. Now I might get one occasionally.
-Life Plans - Where on earth did medical school come from? And why on earth am I actually excited to go to it?

-Not sleeping - The only time I can fall asleep (honestly) is when I'm around my woman. Hence why I'm writing this when I have work in a few hours.
-Webcomics - I don't know if I'll ever give them up. I love them so stinking much.
-Nerdiness - I am continually getting more and more nerdy. I never thought they day would come when I would actually want to buy a comic book. But come it has...
-Cooking - I still love to cook. It makes me so happy to put stuff together and make it work.
-Talking to self/Stream-of-conscious - I still say what I'm thinking and private talking myself through life.
-Trivia - Random facts are the bomb-freaking-diggity.

I'm sure I could go on, but I don't really want to. I mean honestly, three followers? two of them the same person? Who I spend pretty much every waking hour with (now that we have no classes it's everything excluding work time)? I'm going to copy this and post it on my other blog as well. Trying to build it up. Maybe I just need to get back into the habit.

Song of the day: 'Over My Head (Cable Car)' as covered by 'A Day to Remember'


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just doing my thing ya know