Just the stuff in my head that makes sense there, but nowhere else. But the story is always better when there's someone around


garbage hash

So this is the first time I haven't seen my woman in more than 24 hours (well I guess that was yesterday). It's crazy. I waste so much time now that she's not around. So I'm more than excited for her to get back tomorrow. I had a blast yesterday though. I spent some quality time with my mission boys. We decided to have a movie night, I need to do it again. Soon. We had a lot of good, mission style fun (only we didn't have a bunch of rules so we did whatever). I just typed up a huge story about what happened, then realized that people probably don't really care. It was fun though. Hilarious movies, good food (and better entertainment (all pg i assure you)), followed by more movies. It was awesome. Then I got to drive home at 3 in the morning (getting home by 4), which really gave me a chance to think about a few big things in my life, which was really good. Then I had some sleep, and went off to sub for another teacher. that went really well. then I took my test. I did pretty well given the amount of study/sleep that was gotten.

Hanging out with mission people got me thinking: It's funny how different groups of people break up into different catagories, without there even being an intent to do so. And how there's feelings and emotions there.
1) Mission Buddies. I know I'll have a good time and lose some of the pressure and responsability with them.. Just sitting and talking, or doing something, normally pretty crazy. Happiness, Insanity, Laughter.
2) Colorado friends. There isn't much contact there, but when it is, it's funny and I enjoy it. There's something that just gets lost after so many years of separation, a ghost of what used to but never will be the same. Bittersweet Nostalgia.
3) Pre-Mission peoples. Depends on the person. Communication and some Relaxtion are found with them. A lot of times it can be a little boring, because not a whole lot happens there. But there's a maturity and growth there that revitalizes my drive to succeed. Clearheadedness, Focus, Chuckles, Optimism.
4) Then there's the immediate family. That's a place where I can be 100% me. There's no pretending, no walls, nothing. And I wouldn't have it any other way. There's something about know that you're stuck together that makes everything extra better. Peace, Joy, Eternity and Love.
5) Finally there's Lissa. That's what most of my life is now. And with her, just being there is enough. We do stuff, but it isn't what we do at all, it's more of who I'm with. We can paint an over-sized/priced mug at Color Me Mine, or paint rocks in her living room. We can put together a puzzle or just study. We can watch a movie or just be on the couch not doing anything but listening to music and thinking. This is where I find Perfection, Joy, A Future, Infinite, Happiness.

So I know there are groups left off. But if I ever need to get something filled, I always have somewhere to go. I'm coming to learn more and more the need for the balance and when to go where to get what from who. Thanks folks, for being key to my life. Let me know if you ever want to hang out. I'm here.

random link of the day: Everytime I type the word "who" I think of an old TV show called Adventures in Wonderland. There's one episode where the rabbit on rollerblades sings about using 'who' and 'whom' the only problem is that I can't remember how it went. Does anyone else remember that show? what other old shows do you still think about? I've got a huge list


comedy or tragedy?

1) the guy at wendy's called me guero.
2) the elevators are very very fast in the JFSB (I'm allowed to use them today because i took the super big hill this morning)
3) the water in the drinking fountains is nice and cold
4) monday schedule on a tuesday
5) i get to study with lissa
6) lissa tries to be sad but always just ends up laughing. a lot
7) my shoes are so very comfortable
8) i'm getting more and more photogenic
9) I'm also getting more and more not sick
10) Lissa found my flashcard

1) the vitamin water i bought was pretty nastalicous
2) turns out i wasn't actually hungry for the wendy's i bought (i knew i should have gotten chili)
3) my girlfriend thinks i'm emo. she just doesn't understand me
4) waking up for work was wicked hard carrots
5) i'm not tall enough to fit my feet
6) I still have a cough that makes me cry (but only little tears. of pain)
7) Lissa found my flashcard when I was there

In other news, my missionaries are now gone. The last one left this morning at about 11:45. I also got to substitute today. The elders were a little tricky and hard to work with, but I hope to get a lot of practice so that I can really help my next group to be absolutely AMAZING. I really think that my life is a comedy, cause things are working out. hopefully I don't just randomly die. I should probably not watch "stranger than fiction" for awhile. Or Jaws.


another sleepless night

it's funny how the second i start updating my blog and stuff, i get super tired. i should just do it earlier. maybe i'ts like writing in my journal. i'm venting right now. i don't really have anything to vent about though. Everything in my life (for what seems like way too long) is going amazingly well and i have nothing to go on about. not here anyway.


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just doing my thing ya know